The mission of the Carlisle Community School District is to educate each child to their fullest potential. The local school board acts on behalf of the people of our school community to translate that education mission into reality.
Strong leadership is critical to moving education forward in accomplishing our district’s mission. School board members play significant roles in their communities – they must have leadership, vision and dedication. These locally elected public officials are charged with accountability for student learning, determining educational goals, setting policy, overseeing school finances and more.
The Carlisle School Board is made up of 5 members from 4 Director Districts and 1 At-Large Position. There are three seats for the upcoming election, November 5, 2019. They are:
- Director District 2 (Hartford area – south and east portion of the District) (2-year term)
- Director District 3 (South of Hwy 5 in Carlisle)
- Director District 4 (North of Hwy 5 in Carlisle)
Nomination papers for open school board seats are available from the board secretary at the Carlisle Community School District Administrative Office, 430 School St, Carlisle, IA. School board candidates must obtain a minimum of 50 signatures. Nomination paperwork can be filed at the Administrative Office, 430 School St., Carlisle, IA between Monday, August 26 and Thursday, September 19 at 5:00 p.m. If you have any questions, you may call 515-989-3589.
For information on rewards of board service, campaign finance disclosure law, conflict of interest, key dates and candidate education, visit